Sunday, May 30, 2010

Who is going to be the lucky referer??

Facebook is my #1 site for advertising my product. I do not promote anywhere else (except one online community)

So your referals to the page mean HEAPS to me and Mumma Rocks.

It used to be my goal to get to 100 and that was surpassed YAY!

It is now my personal goal to get to 1000! and Mumma Rocks is oh so close but we need existing "Likes" help.

And you know me, no help goes unrewarded. If you are the existing "Like" to introduce the 1000th "Liker" then you will win a free custom Nursing necklace (to the value of $32.00) includign regular postage.

So refer your friends, have them post on the wall who sent you and receive the ultimate nursing necklace of your choice!

***You will need to register your name HERE via comment if you want to participate***



  1. Marnee ToelleAtkinson:)
    Refering now

  2. YAY! its funny, as soon as I post a giveaway the fan count goes down! argh LOL wrong direction x

  3. Ohhh, How fun! ^_^

    Caroline Goodyer (thats me) shall be a Mumma Rocks Advertising pocket rocket for the day :o)

  4. And Mumma Rocks appreciates it Caroline! I think i will also do a runner up prize too :)

  5. Will do this for you on my page too :D
    Cant they say that 'Earth Angel Mumma' sent them or do I have to let them all know who I am? :s
    Tessa Martin

  6. Either is fine hun :)

    oh your amber should arrive today. It was sent express on Friday xox

  7. Even though I have already sent out your link to all my friends ... thought i'd give it a go lol
    Simone Roll

  8. I think I've referred my whole friends list already though :-( might re refer the ones who haven't joined lol

  9. ok found 9 more people lol, everyone else I've invited has joined- Can you post something on your fb page asking new likers to post who invited them. I didn't send a message to the people I invited and cant remember who they are... lol

  10. Kirsten Willis

    Some of my referrals are still trickling in :)

  11. Shari Chapman!
    Just sent out a heap for you! :)
